Mother Teresa of Calcutta is Set To Be Canonized As a Saint


Pope Francis recently recognized a second miracle that was dedicated in the intercession of Mother Teresa. Now, Mother Teresa of Calcutta is called to be as a saint of the Roman Catholic Church.

It was highly known when the Vatican officially announce and known that the healing of a Brazilian man with several brain tumors in 2008 as the a result of Mother Teresa’s intercession.

Mother Teresa of Calcutta is Set To Be Canonized As a Saint

Awoking from a coma after a prayer, the brazilian man Rev. Brian Kolodiejchuk, who spearheaded the cause for Mother Teresa’s sainthood. Quoting from the Vatican, “The Holy Father has authorized the Congregation for the Causes of Saints to proclaim the decree concerning the miracle attributed to the intercession of blessed Mother Teresa,”

It was already stated that the canonization will happen next year in September and will probably happen in Rome. Mother Teresa was called “the poorest of the poor.” She then build her establishments in Calcutta. Her outreach extended to women, orphans, the aged, street children, and the sick, particularly those afflicted HIV/AIDS and leprosy.

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