Miriam Santiago Urges Creation of Task Force to Help Overseas Filipino Workers


A filipina domestic helper who went viral and sent a video to be posted and asked for help in Singapore had alarmed many. In accordance with this, Sen. Miriam Defensor Santiago has making her goal in putting it up to the government in making a multi-agency task force and to be active in preventing abuse to the OFW’s.

Task Force to Help Overseas Filipino Workers

She stated, “How many other Filipinos in foreign countries endure the same fate only so that they can send money to their loved ones at home? The government must find out and help all of them.”

Thelma Gawidan


It was said that Gawidan’s employers are now facing files and cases dure to feeding her only with noodles and bread for a year now. Including forcing her to sleep in a small stock room and been forcing her to take a bath for twice a week.

Thelma Gawidan Employers

Santiago further said, “Fortunately, Thelma was able to escape from what appears to be modern-day slavery,” the senator said. “But what would have happened if she remained in that situation, or if she got caught while trying to escape? We have heard similar stories, we do not like how they end.”


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