Brain of a 3,200-year-old Mummy Has Been Revealed


One of the most lucking key in disclosing an information given is to know it especially if the time of that era which we know  was just a little amount of it. Presenting here was the brain of a 3,200-year-old mommy. Yes, too old yet too interesting. This has been disclosed through the CT scans that was lately posted and had made more researchers and scientest excited with the possible findings as it was opened.

The said brain of the mommy was a surprised as it was preserved for how many years. Meanwhile, the technique in preserving this kind was never seen and was never revealed since then.

CaptuBrain of a 3,200-year-old Mummy Has Been Revealed re

It was said that the mommy was a woman and was named as “Hatason” It is still being checked by the scientist of the Stanford University. It has already been revealed that her existence was about 200 years ago started in the city of Asyut.

Jonathan Elias, director of the Akhmim Mummy Studies Consortium stated, “It’s some form of material added into the brain case while the brain was left inside. We have not seen that particular pattern before.”

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