A Start-Up Canadian Company Sells Bottled Fresh Air To Pollution-hit China


Who would ever thought that a company in Alberta, Canada has been making a super terrifying and wonderful ways in on Beijing’s worsening problems going all trough out the land with the issues with their air quality. Since last week, the China’s capital city issued its first ever air pollution red alert.

Known as Vitality Air- this is a start-up company that has been based in the city Edmonton in Alberta. They are known in selling bottled or canned fresh air from the Rocky Mountains saw its sales soar in China because of rising pollution levels.

A Start-Up Canadian Company Sells Bottled Fresh Air To Pollution-hit China

The company, co-founded namely, namely the two as Moses Lam and Troy Paquette, started selling bottled fresh air for a little over a year. And they started up at China less than two months ago.

There were first batch of bottles of Vitality air to China with over 500 and had been gone in just four days. Now, they delivered 4,000 bottles and it is on the way. However most of them has been sold already.



According to Harrison Wang, “It’s been a pretty wild ride for us as we only started to market the product a month and a half ago. We got the website up and running, then put Vitality Air on Taobao – a Chinese website similar to eBay for online shopping – and we sold out almost instantly.”

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