Eiffel Tower Turned It’s Light Off For The First Time Due To Terrorist Attack


It has become a very hard time in France since the incident happened unexpectedly due to terrorist attack. Facebook profile pictures change, raising flags throughout the world, sharing and posting pictures to show sympathy to France.

Here’s one, since 1998 the very known monument namely Eiffel Tower in France has turned it’s lights off for the very first time. This is for the memory of over 100 people who died in the said incident.



When talks about social media hits, there is a peace sign that has been making rounds since the incident happened. It gone viral because of the design having the stature of the paris and was credited to the user @jean_jullien.

Peace For Paris

Some of the recent reports had stated that Iraq and Syria has been obligued for terrosist attacl. The said incident that had ever cause dead and dangerously in this new dispensation.

However, on Saturday, just as after the French President Francois Hollande put all the blames to ISIS due to incident, the terror group immediately send a statement in French and Arabic.

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