Caves Into Majestic Place by Ra Paulette!


Ra Paulette who is an American cave sculptor had given his entire life to sculpting the hillsides of the mountains and turn it into wonderful and majestic places.

He didn’t have the chance to go to formal school but when talks about architecture, engineering and even sculpture he will mesmerize you saying that he just used his imagination to teach and let him do himself to create this stunning and unbelievable views for you to see.

cave into majestic

Using all of these, hand tools consisting of scrapers, pick axes and shovels, he can make a change and turn this caves into a beautiful sanctuary that can be used for meditation,comfort and prayer.

Predominantly, The designs are filled with curves and smooth ledges. Few of his mainly creations can seen there the, Windows in the Earth Shrine in New Mexico. His creation were majestic that he became a part of an Academy-Award nominated documentary called Cavedigger.


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