Toni Serenades Husband Paul Soriano For Their First Month Together



For a happy celebration of their first month as husband and wife, Toni Gonzaga sang all hearted out for her husband on ASAP Stage.

Her performance was dashing and She did performed her own rendition of the famous song, You and Me by Lifehouse.

Toni said, “All my life, I keep chasing after my dreams. But God gave me one dream that I didn’t have to chase. It was my husband.”

With her consistent thanks to director Paul Soriano for the patience of waiting for their perfect moment to be together. Toni also admitted that she is so happy and so glad that she finally had found a new home in the arms of her husband.


For this very moment, Toni still could not believe and wake up that this is all happening. It is like living her own kind of fairy with her prince charming and would live happily ever after.

However, no matter how and what difficulties and separation and frustrations on the first few weeks, she was able to recover and gained strength from it. She was truly indeed happily living her married life. As the two are are making every moment count now that they are together as one.

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