He Just Draw A Simple Spiral But When The Camera Move Away I Was Blown Away!



If you will judge a art you are not an artist that’s just my own opinion but it has a big point. Judging one’s artwork is like judging also the artist and we all know that artist is a human being. We should respect and honor each art that we see in our environment.


But moving on this art work at first we saw a simple spiral art but the finish product is really stunning art work. It is really amazing how he manage to create a beautiful portrait, some says this art is easy but for me it is not, because it is difficult to shade a portrait especially with this, he make a portrait out of a spiral thing, this really sounds difficult.

Art is an expression it just depends how you perceive it in your mind, art maybe simple, abstract, portrait or nature etc, it is an art.

Love thy art!

Thanks for watching guys,

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