Premiere actress Heart Evanglista is looking forward to have a baby at 31 years old, wherein she revealed that she is seriously considering to be a mother after her marriage with her current boyfriend Senator Chiz Escudero next year dated at February 2015.
She also considers that it is so hard to be pregnant especially giving birth when you are old. Heart also revealed that she personally see’s her doctor to ask if she is physically fit to have a baby, wherein results shows that at her present age she is ready to have a child.

In her interview in Abs-Cbn she said “Today I went to the doctor… I realized how health should be first and how blessed I am to be healthy… made me seriously think of preparing to be a young mom… having a baby at 35 is harder compared to 31… let’s see what happens,”
Prior to her marriage with the Senator Chiz, she will be 30 years old only a one year gap for her plan to have a child of her own.
She added that this is just a plan wherein there are so many possibilites will happen that will affect your preparation as a parent. She is also amenable that being a mother is not an easy task wherein it takes a lot of guts and responsibilty to raise a child.