Girl was Kicked out Because of Wrong Spelling. Click Here To Find Out More!


A wrong spelling posted on various social media especially on Facebook, Twitter it can be cause to a big mistake in your life.

SheepThis image posted by our netizens on Senora Santibanez Fanpage had an error and mistakes can turn into entertainment of other netizens.

A third year college student posted mistakenly spelled “Sheep” instead of “Shift” has gone viral. It started publicized on Senora Santibanez Fanpage.

The print screen photo got more than 30,000 likes and 4000 shares in just 21 hours. After she did, the relatives and also her friends starting teasing for her mistake, and the worst was the school administration saw her post, they immediate called and informed the girl that the school management decided to kick the girl out of their university.

The statement of a school administration regarding to their student’s post to her parents ”The dishonorable post of their student can eradicate the image of their University, not everybody knows her but when her real identity leaked and she was still carrying our school name it caused big trouble.”

After her parents knew the problem their parents decided to sleep in other house for a while because of Dishonor. Her parents were known as wise persons of their place.

Cyber bullying definitely has a negative impact on its victim. According to our source, youth who bullied have higher risk of depression and anxiety. These are the symptoms:

  • Increased the feeling of sadness and loneliness
  • Changes in sleep and eating patterns
  • Loss of activity interest
  • More health complaints

Youth who are bullied are more personally and in school, they may:

  • Skip or drop out of school
  • Have a poor grades
  • Have a low self-esteem
  • Use alcohol and prohibited drugs

And the worse, bullying can be cause into suicide especially in adults.

Speaking of Cyber Bullying, the Star of all Seasons Vilma Santos is also a victim because of her wrong spelling and grammar.

According to her last post on Facebook “No one is Perfect akala kung sinung napakaperpekto para makapamuna ng tao!” Herparents are still talking to the school administration to give her second chance to study.

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