Sandra Seifert Features in PETA Asia


Behind the caption, “Our Bodies Are Temples. Go Vegetarian” is the environmentalist and international fashion model “Sandra Seifert” who shows her sexy body featuring on a brand new ad, “People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) Asia.

Sandra SeirfertEco-minded beauty queen Sandra Seifert is appealing her legions of admirers to push through the cause for the worldwide campaign to do the Earth, animals, and themselves a favor and go vegetarian.

Sandra Seifert’s point of view is that, the best decision anyone can do is to choose a plant-based diet, which contributes for the betterment of the mother Earth, animals and human health.

The concept of the said campaign follows after her 30th birthday on February 1 which is also a Biblical based that inspired this concept from the Bible in 1Corinthians 6:19 “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own.”

Sandra Seifert believes that “killing animals for food is cruel, and it’s also killing our planet,” she said.

“With so many delicious meat-free foods available these days and so many compelling reasons not to eat meat in order to improve your health, to help stop animal suffering, and to fight back against pollution and greenhouse-gas emissions—there’s never been a better time to go vegetarian!” she added.

Sandra Seifert lives almost a half of her life being vegetarian. She was crowned Miss Philippines Earth 2009 and represented the Philippines during the Miss Earth International pageant where she won the ‘first runner-up’ Miss Earth Air. Sandra Seifert graces many times in the cover magazines and aside from that she also produced an environmental short film with Miss Earth Foundation entitled “Project Noel” that becomes the first awardee of “Loren Legarda Environment Award” for the Film at the 59th FAMAS Awards in 2011.

The stunning shot of Sandra Seifert for the ad was by top photographer Ken Go. Her makeup was done by Magic by Anju Dargani, and hair-styled by Nina’s Touch.


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