“The biggest criminal syndicate in the Philippines is not of those crime groups listed regularly by the Philippine national Police (PNP). It is CONGRESS”. This line quoted from the original writings of the brave journalist of this time that have not feared to expose the irregularity of Aquino administration.
Tony Lopez authored the article entitled “Congress is the Philippines’ Biggest Criminal Syndicate” which is featured in the Yahoo News. In his article [Original script can be accessed through the link provided in this article] government anomalies are divulged and discussed in detailed on how politicians betrayed the beautiful nation -the Philippines.
The revelation of Lopez is one of the many articles published in the international news media. According to the Facebook source which is also posted in the Facebook wall of Pablo Hernandez, the Irregularity of Aquino’s administration becomes the headlines to the international publications like the UK Newspapers, front pages on the Asia Magazine, CNN, BBC, ChannelNewsAsia and Yahoo News.
We have published this article to bring the matter to our valued readers, hoping that we can be a channel of bringing this information to all Filipino concerned so that we will know the real issues and be aware of. As the source have requested to republish and share the links.