President Rodrigo Roa Duterte meets Ethan Richmond Llanes at Malacañang Palace on Tuesday, August 30, 2016


President Rodrigo Roa Duterte meets Ethan Richmond Llanes and his family in Malacañang on Tuesday, August 30, 2016. Ethan is a young Filipino-British boy became famous by pretending in a video that he was calling President Duterte over the phone and asking him to get rid of the bad guys and put them to jail. The video of Ethan garnered more than 150, 000 views with 2,600 shares. Duterte administration invites Ethan before the video showing his support to Duterte trending on social media.

Duterte meets Ethan

Watch the video below;

Here is the full video of President Duterte and Ethan Richmond Llane first meet-up; (Courtesy Video: RTVMalacanang)

The video above was uploaded an hour ago by RTVMalacanang and garnered more than 500 views. For more updates, please follow us on Twitter and by linking us on Facebook.


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