Guinness Book of Record

Guinness World Records Named A Filipina “Francisca Tayhon Montes-Susano” Worlds Oldest Person Alive
Guiness World of Records recognizes a Filpina a native of Kabankalan City Negros Occidental named Francisco Tayhon Montes-Susano. She was ...

Boracay’s “Longest Massage Chain” is the New Guinness World Record (Photo)
Boracay Island, Philippines, the world-renowned island in the country captured another title and now presently holding the newest Guinness World ...

Iglesia Ni Cristo (INC) Chrity Worldwide Walk New Guinness Book of Record [Photos and Video]
The Charity Worldwide Walk of Iglesia Ni Cristo held on Saturday, February 15, 2015 in multiple venues from different countries ...