Fossilized Bones of Biggest Creature Ever To Walk The Earth Found in Argentina


Who would ever thought that one of the most main wander here in earth has been finally found! Thousands and ...

Coleen Garcia Terminated From “It’s Showtime” Finally Broke Silence!


Top Trending News Online! Coleen who is one of the main host of the noontime show, It’s Showtime. She finally ...

“Monster Parasite”Found Inside Teenagers Stomach


Are you aware on what is happening inside your stomach when it aches? Some of us doesn’t mind it and ...

Spice Girls and Backstreet Boys Possible Reunion- This Year


What would it be like if the ’90s mopst top bands reunite? Oh well! The ’90s kids might freak out! ...

Photos: Albert Martinez and Late Liezl Martinez Daughter Alyana “Pamamanhikan”


Alyana Martinez the daughter of the actor Albert Martinez and late Liezl Martinez has officially announce that a royal wedding ...

High School Musical Comeback On Janaury 20, 2016- After 10 years!


We all know that High School Musical is one of the most hit musical movies in the world of teens. ...

Watch! Jessa Jessa Zaragoza’s daughter, Jayda Belted Out Ariana Grande’s Hit Songs!


Jessa Zaragoza’s daughter Jayda Zaragoza-Avanzado belted out Ariana Grande most hit song “Tattoed Heart”! It was during Jessa Zaragosa’s concert ...

Flight Attendants Required To Take Psychological Testing Before Acquiring Professional License


The new rule will be impemented due to the recent announcement given by the The Civil Aviation Authority of the ...

Why is it Coco Martin Was Very Successful?


Coco Martin is one of the most and valuable actor of today’s generation. But what makes Coco’s success?. He shared ...

Vice Ganda And Daniel Padilla Will Be Working On MMFF 2016


After the success of the movie of a phenomenal actor Vice Ganda. He was very happy becuse he was able ...