VIRAL VIDEO: Joyce Pring Defends Her Viral Statement In Her Podcast With Wil Dasovich


During her ‘Unpacking Christianity’ podcast with Wil Dasovich, Pring addressed a question thrown by Wil during the former’s “Adulting with Joyce Pring-Unpacking Christianity.” At one point, Wil asked Pring whether non-believers, referring to those who do not believe in Jesus, would also go to heaven.

Pring then stated unequivocally that nonbelievers will face judgment and go to hell, to which Wil responded that it was so brutal.

Some social media users accused Joyce of being judgmental and disrespectful of people who do not believe in Jesus, as well as those who are skeptical of Christianity’s claims.

“The things that I said in the podcast with Wil are biblical. It’s from the Bible. They are not my own opinion. They are from the Bible and I believe the Bible is God-breathed, it’s inspired, it’s inerrant and that’s why I have so much confidence in saying that even though I knew, I absolutely knew, that it was going to offend a lot of people…”

Joyce stated in a recent podcast that her viral comment was inspired by the words of the Bible.

She believes that the Bible is error-free and that its words are inspired by God, so she made those remarks with confidence, even if they would offend others.

“I believe that even if the truth offends, the truth according to the Bible will set us free. And so I want to share this with you because I absolutely believe with all of my heart that this is the truth and I can tell you with all honesty that this is the truth that set me free from my bondage of sin and shame, from depression and anxiety, a feeling of emptiness, a feeling of purposelessness and an existence that had no meaning from my entre life until I met Christ and that is why I am sharing this with you in hopes that you will also find Jesus and also Jesus will also find you,” Joyce stated.

Joyce appears to believe the Bible is true because it helped her overcome sin, shame, depression, anxiety, emptiness, and purposelessness.

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