In the middle of her pleasure at being cast in a prominent part in a Cinemalaya film, actress Max Eigenmann did not forget two ladies who helped shape her professional life: her mother, Bing Pimentel, and her late aunt, Cherie Gil.

She was named Best Actress at the 18th Cinemalaya Film Festival for her performance in “12 Weeks,” and she also appeared in “Kargo,” for which she expressed her thanks in her victory speech.

“[To] my mother Bing, being your daughter onscreen is almost as cool as being your daughter in real life. Tita Cherie, this is for you!” Max stated.
Backstage, Max was uncomfortable and emotional, unable to stop swearing while trying to keep her emotions.

“Tita Cherie and I always had a close relationship, I guess… sobrang thank you lang talaga Tita Cherie because she’s always been one of my biggest inspirations, so para sa kanya talaga ito,” Max remarked, emphasizing her devotion.

Cherie died on August 5, 2018, at the age of 59, following a battle with cancer. “La Primavera Contravida” was included in the 2013 Cinemalaya film “Ekstra,” which received six honors and functioned as a jury member in a different event.