Ninong Ry, a celebrity chef and content creator, responded to Michael V.’s mimicry of him in an especially recent episode of Bubble Gang.

Michael V., a Kapuso comedian, hinted his Ninong Ry impersonation last month, which delighted the cooking YouTuber and online users. The latest “Bubble Gang” episode featured Bitoy’s Ninong Cry showing viewers how to produce the most bitter Ginisang Ampalaya. Ninong Ry, the creator of the video, received a lot of positive feedback.
Ninong Ry, best known for his hilarious culinary shows and identifiable by his black t-shirt, black hat, and round spectacles, is the subject of Michael V.’s jokes, Ninong Cry.

Ninong Cry was filled with sadness on Friday’s “Bubble Gang” episode due to the death of a partner and her gratitude for having so many subscribers. He demonstrated how to cook Ginisang Ampalaya, his ex’s favorite dish.
“Paboritong ulam ko, mga pre…”
“Ito ang pinakamapait na ampalayang nagawa ko,” he continued.
Ninong Ry is described as “Kuhang kuha!” in Michael V.’s portrayal of him as Ninong Cry.