A netizen receives online reactions after becoming trapped inside his own home during a quake after his family locked it due to panic.

During a powerful earthquake, a male netizen becomes trapped inside his own house after his family locks it in panic.
An earthquake is one of the most common natural disasters that occur in various countries around the world. Tremors occur almost every day in various locations at varying magnitudes and intensities.
Tremors can strike in unexpected places with no warning. Following the quakes, aftershocks are also expected. It may also cause minor to major damage in earthquake-prone areas.
BriYan Fedalino Ibaez, a Facebook user, shared video footage of himself being trapped inside his own house during a powerful quake in Davao City last week. The video generates feedback from the online community.
BriYan was unable to leave his house in the video because his family had locked their doors out of fear. Despite a strong tremor, the male netizen struggled to find a way out of their home.
According to Ibaez, his family locked the house because they assumed everyone would flee due to the earthquake. He went back to his parents’ house to get his identification card and birth certificate.
The latter even laughed after finding himself in an unexpected situation.
Fedalino admits he was scared because of the strong tremor, but he was able to leave the house with the help of a neighbor.
Social media users responded to the post in the following ways:

Watch video here: