Tuesday Vargas’ partner, Joseph Puducay, used social media to tell his story about his severe disease. Joseph claims that he suffers from various syndromes, including NCS, MALS, SMATS, and MTS, which have made his entire body feeble.
“The past months[,] I know my health is deteriorating because of these syndromes,” he wrote on Facebook.
“My immune system is weakening, I developed autoimmune disorders, my digestive system is failing, fatigue is becoming more and more prominent[,] and my nutrient absorption is compromised,” he added.
“The chance meetings with people that can help, the medical findings that inch their way towards clarity on my condition, the love I feel from friends and family- This is your handiwork. And today Christmas day, I surrender myself to you. Hold me in your power Lord and heal me. I still have a long way to go but with you in my life and all the other good things going for me, I know I will come out of this victorious.”

Meanwhile, Tuesday wrote Joseph an uplifting message of reassurance that they would fight his battles together no matter what happened on her Instagram account.

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