When Gary Valenciano revealed that he had recently experienced some health issues, many people became concerned.

Later, Gary V made it clear that he was already recuperating and improving.
His wife Angeli Pangilinan explained the reasons behind Gary V’s temporary hoarseness and throat issues in a new Facebook post.
The singer ended up performing in four, two-hour plays in the span of two days.
Gary V ignored Angeli’s advice to not push himself too hard because he was so eager to participate in those plays.
He is currently feeling better and is already recovering, which is fortunate.
“Sometimes Gary posts something innocently airing his private thoughts forgetting the uproar it could cause. Oh dear. From the 7city USA tour of Gary and the Las Vegas ASAP concert we had some time with Kiana as we rented a Newport Beach house to be with her and later on joined by Gary’s brother Robby, his wife Jonni, Kiana’s special man Sandro, our nephew Donny and his friends.
“When we arrived in Manila we went straight to watch Joseph the Dreamer to watch the play so Gary could familiarize himself with the scenes … imagine this… on the day we arrived! We rested a day then went back the next day, Sunday to do the same. He agreed to do four showdates for two weekends but due to close to sold out shows he accomodated two more on the second weekend! Four shows in one weekend ! Oh my! I was ready to picket because I wanted to guard his health but he loves that project! Trumpets president, Butch Jimenez and JTD project manager, Jingay Kaimo kept laughing at me as they knew I wasn’t happy. Hello ! 4 2 hour plays in two days?!!!!
“Monday the next day he was totally hoarse. I was not surprised. But a wife can only sigh and submit even if she doesn’t agree, right ? (Girls can I hear an amen?!!!) However, the sacrifice was such a blessing. Many were moved and touched, crying with realizations and inspirational experiences.
“Then that week he sang at a wedding of a family friend (committed months before) Nov 30, accommodated the request of a dear friend Raymond Wong to guest in the Asian TV Awards with Gab on Dec 1, performed for the finale of the BELO Medical Christmas party, went on to do ASAP rehearsals, live Sunday show, ABSCBN tapings and he ended with a tired voice. Even if it’s just one or two songs, the preparation is the same, although people sometimes think it’s so easy to do … simply because he makes it seem so easy when he performs.
“It is natural for a normal singer to get tired and weak and have throat issues but imagine one who has had so so many medical challenges …so sometimes God wants us to rest right ? For a person who has been a Type 1 insulin dependent diabetic (daily for 16,000 days !!!), my husband is a medical miracle. And I thank God all the time for keeping him alive. Apart from diabetes he has had hepatitis, tuberculosis, 2 arthroscopic surgeries on his knees (think of this when he jumps in the air – trivia: he was a high jumper in LSGH’s track and field team) chicken pox (while recording his Shout For Joy album), a cardiac bypass (open heart surgery) on May 6, 2018, kidney cancer discovered May 23, another procedure and then partial kidney nephrectomy to take out the malignant fist-sized mass on June 13, 2018… then dengue in 2021, Covid 19 in 2022 plus many hypoglycemia ER experiences ….whew! This isn’t about data privacy anymore as he announced these all on his social media accounts everytime something happened.
“Naturally I am quite OC about his schedules. He bikes 60-100 kilometers sometimes … who wouldn’t react right ? I always say Gary thinks he’s Superman and I just pray to God to take care of him always. I can only
“sigh and thank God that he is alive while many diabetics his age have not been as fortunate … and this always breaks my heart,” Angeli wrote.