The Taguig Regional Trial Court granted bail to Vhong Navarro, who is facing a rapė case filed by model Deniece Cornejo.

The 21-page court ruling was signed by Presiding Judge Loralie Datahan on December 5, 2022.
Vhong was released from the Taguig City Jail on December 6, 2022, after posting a one-million-peso (PHP1 million) bail.

The rapė case is not a bailable offense.
Vhong, however, is not considered to have a “great presumption of great guilt” at this time, so he can be released temporarily, according to the court.
Last night, December 6, 2022, received a copy of the court ruling.
The court ruling explained in detail that establishing the “credibility of the complainant” is critical in the rapė case trial.

It is said that it is necessary to demonstrate that the complaint’s testimony is credible and that it is compatible and consistent with the person’s “common knowledge, observation, and experience.”
Many “inconsistencies” appeared in the submitted sworn affidavits, as well as in Deniece’s testimony when she appeared in court in 2022 in the case of her alleged rapė of Vhong.
Deniece filed three complaint affidavits, the first on January 29, 2014, the second on February 27, 2014, and the third on October 16, 2015.
During the court’s review in 2022, it was discovered that the versions of Deniece’s story in her three affidavits differed.
Deniece claimed in her first and second affidavits that Vhong raped her on January 22, 2014, when he paid her a visit at her condo. Friends rescued her and conducted a “citizen arrest” on the actor. She made no mention of being rapėd on January 17, 2014.
Deniece claimed in her third affidavit, filed more than a year after her two previous complaints, that Vhong rapėd her during their first meeting on January 17, 2014.
It is unclear why Deniece was able to file a complaint about the alleged rapė on January 22, 2014, but the third affidavit about the model’s alleged rapė on January 17, 2022, was not.
The court ruling included excerpts from Atty.’s cross-examination of Deniece. This year, Alma Mallonga
Vhong’s legal counsel is Mallonga of Siguion Reyna, Montecillo.
Deniece claimed that Vhong laced the wine he offered her with drugs on the night of January 17, 2014.
But it turns out that Deniece only “sipped” the wine and was unaware that Vhong had laced it with drugs.
He also stated that no drugs of any kind had previously appeared in Deniece’s medical test results.
“Records also show that complainant was able to text, talk, walk, change her clothes and leave her condominium unit to sleep at a friend’s place, after the accused supposedly rapėd her.
“Likewise, complainant confirmed that she was not, any stage of the incident, unconscious or fully deprived of her will power,” stated in the court ruling.
Deniece’s behavior on the night she claims Vhong rapėd her was “inconsistent” with “common experience” and “human nature,” according to the court ruling.
Deniece admitted in court that she texted her shortly after Vhong left her condo on January 17.
Deniece admitted to calling Vhong “sweetie” in their text exchange and encouraged the actor to meet again.
In this regard, the court also questioned Deniece’s behavior during the second incident, when she and Vhong met on January 22, 2014.
According to reports, what was captured on CCTV is not consistent with human behavior. Deniece was seen alone inside the elevator, appearing to reflect and compose herself before laughing.
Deniece’s response to Atty. Mallonga admitted to mirroring and giggling after the alleged incident during cross-examination “Yes. What’s wrong with that[?]”
The court ruling said, “The foregoing statements of the complainant are, to the mind of this Court, inconsistent with her claim of trauma, and outside the reasonable expectations of someone who just underwent a painful ordeal.”