Tuesday Vargas, 42, says she “[feels] blessed” in this chapter of her life.

On her birthday, the comedienne and actress shared an empowering message about her positive experiences in her forties.
While the “allure of youth is fading” and decisions are a lot heavier, “[finding] yourself, living your life to the fullest, regaining your worth is a [40-year-old’s] claimed destiny,” she said.

The TV host also emphasized the importance of sticking to one’s own schedule rather than rushing through things.
“This idea of a perfect timeline placed so much pressure on me that [it] made me this tenacious. No regrets here, I’ve done and seen more than my fair share and I am just getting started,” she said.
“In my 40s I taught myself how to paint, I started two new businesses, entered a new network and landed regular jobs alongside new and hot celebs, I created and performed in two bands, I learned how to travel alone, I placed value in myself again and the most important achievement of all—I FOUND LOVE,” she added. “This is all because I decided that the perfect timeline does not exist. I can be my best self at any age and there is no better time than now.”

Tuesday honored her generation on her special day, calling them “powerful and capable” after all they had been through.
“Your 40s are when you experience life on your own terms, as you confidently navigate through the world without being confined by the restrictions of others. So be kind to yourself,” she said.
“Wait till you see me in my 50s,” she added.