The Civil Service Commission (CSC) released the results of June 19, 2022, Civil Service Exam – Paper and Pencil Test (CSE-PPT) also known as the Career service examination on August 26, 2022, or in sixty-eight (68) days.
The CSE-Professional test was taken by 117,907 or 93.92% of the registered 125,541 examinees. Meanwhile, 20,764 or 93.54% of the 22,199 expected examinees took the Subprofessional level.
In addition, 379 examinees, or 87.13% of the 435 registered examinees were able to take the ICLTE.
Passers should coordinate and verify with the CSC Regional Office concerned the availability of their Certification of Eligibility (CoE) and the requirements in claiming it. A complete directory of the CSC Regional Offices is available at the CSC website.
June 2022 CSC Exam Results (CAR | CARAGA | ARMM)
Professional Level: (NCR | CAR | CARAGA | BARMM | Region 1 | Region 2 | Region 3 | Region 4 | Region 5 | Region 6 | Region 7 | Region 8 | Region 9 | Region 10 | Region 11 | Region 12)
Subprofessional Level: (NCR | CAR | CARAGA | BARMM | Region 1 | Region 2 | Region 3 | Region 4 | Region 5 | Region 6 | Region 7 | Region 8 | Region 9 | Region 10 | Region 11 | Region 12)
June 2022 CSE Passers of CAR: Sub-Pro and Professional Levels
June 2022 CSE Passers of CARAGA: Sub-Pro and Professional Levels
June 2022 CSE Passers of BARMM: Sub-Pro and Professional Levels