The first photo from NASA’s new space telescope, revealed Monday, is overflowing with galaxies and offers the most detailed look into the cosmos ever captured.

The very first photo from the $10 billion James Webb Space Telescope is the most distant image humanity has ever seen in both time and distance, taking us closer to the beginning of time and the corner of the universe.

On Tuesday, four more galactic beauty shots from the telescope’s initial outward gazes will be released.

The image, released during a brief White House event, is densely packed with stars, with massive galaxies in the center of the frame and faint and extremely distant galaxies peeking through here and there.

Part of the image contains light from shortly after the Big Bang, which occurred 13.8 billion years ago. President Joe Biden was astounded by the photo, which he described as “the oldest documented light in the history of the universe from over 13 billion, let me say that again, billion years ago.” It’s hard to fathom. “