The famous actress sent a touching tribute regarding her daughters Dani and Julia on social networking sites as well as Claudia.

Marjorie Barretto noted in a previous Instagram post that it is becoming increasingly difficult to gather her older daughters in one location, so she treasures the moments she spends with them.

She referred to her girls as her “best friends,” and they spent the evening trying to catch up.
Marjorie said that they had grownup chats, and their cheerful and light conversations energized her.

Marjorie emphasized that it is one of many more reasons she enjoys being such a mom to her children.
The Barrettos are one of the most well-known entertainment families in the Philippines.

Gretchen, Marjorie, and Claudine, sisters, were well-known actors and drew a huge amount of attention. They are one of the most attractive actresses in the industry.
Unfortunately, as they live the lifestyles of fame, many of their family troubles are just not able to escape the attention of the media and the public in general.

The public is well aware that the siblings had their own set of problems.