The Pinoy-Korean Boy Left by his Korean Father Sells Peanuts to Support his Sick Mother


The social media story of a 14-year-old boy (half Korean, half Filipino) selling peanuts to support his sick mother has gone viral. RJ, the youngster, caught the interest of Korean netizens after his story was highlighted in a series of vlogs aired on YouTube by Madam Kim, a Korean eatery in Bacolod. Madam Kim may be seen ordering at a popular fast-food chain drive-through in the city in the first video she uploaded about RJ. A boy selling peanuts came as I was ordering. Because of his eyes, the boy has the look of a Korean.

The YouTuber inquired about the kid and informed her that he was “half-Korean,” and that he lives with his mother while his father is in Korea.

Madam Kim was inspired to create a series of videos about him as a result of this.

Despite the fact that the YouTuber communicates in Korean, she converses with RJ and his Filipina mother in English.

RJ said that he is selling peanuts to get funds for his ailing mother.

He distributes peanuts in front of fast-food restaurants in Bacolod for 10 pesos each sachet, and his daily earnings are barely 100 pesos.

The YouTuber went to RJ’s residence and met his mother. They used to live in Dasmarias, Cavite, according to RJ. He even had the opportunity to attend a Korean school in Sampaloc, Maynila. They were relocated to Bacolod in 2018. RJ’s mother revealed that she met her father in a pub in Dasmarias. At the time, his mother was only 22 years old, while his father was already 37. RJ’s father visited his mother for a week, and their connection lasted a week. When his mother told him she was pregnant, his father became enraged. RJ’s mother only knew the Korean national by his given name, “James,” and he hasn’t seen his father since he was born.

When the YouTuber asked the Filipino-Korean youngster about his father, he said, “I despise him.”

In another video, the vlogger purchases items for the youngster and his mother.

The YouTuber stated that she intends to continue uploading RJ’s videos till someone is charitable enough to assist him.

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