Raymond Gutierrez, 38, confesses to falling in love while living in Los Angeles.

Raymond stated on Wil Dasovich’s Superhuman podcast on June 1, 2022, that he didn’t mind finding a boyfriend until he met the unknown man.
as long as he traveled to Los Angeles during the peak of the COVID-19 epidemic, because the lockdown in the Philippines was tight and he could only stay alone within the condo.
“I think the first few months it was kind of, like, ‘Let’s have fun, let’s see where this goes.’ But in January, I did meet someone.
“And we’re taking it a bit more seriously. And, yeah, we are in a relationship,” Raymond’s straightforward statement.
Wil was shocked since he hadn’t expected Raymond to make a “boyfriend revelation” in their podcast episode.
Raymond’s casual statement: “There’s nothing to hide. What is there to hide? If the pandemic taught us one thing, it’s to live your life now.”
Aside from that, Raymond did not reveal anything about his non-showbiz lover.
He hasn’t even mentioned it on social media.
“He’s not [in the public eye]. I respect that about him. I actually like that he doesn’t like the attention.
“He barely posts. I actually encourage him to post on his private social media. Yeah, so I like that he’s private.
“We haven’t had a launch yet.”
Raymond had been single for a long time before starting this relationship.
He stated, “Dating in the Philippines is very tough. You get confused. What are the intentions? What do they want out of it?
“Also for the longest time, I wasn’t public about my sexuality so it was very difficult.
“Obviously, I was dating people quietly. But, yeah, I was single for quite a long time before coming here.”
When asked why he found it difficult to date in the Philippines, he said he couldn’t tell if it was because he was “extra choosy” or because he wasn’t truly ready at the time.
However, he stated that the majority of the individuals he dated were foreigners rather than Filipinos.
Raymond came out as a proud member of the LGBTQIA community on the cover of a magazine in August 2021.
However, he stated that he had been out with his pals for a long period.