Apparently, there is currently an online group who defames Twice, one of the famous Korean girl group. Members of Twice include: Jihyo, Nayeon, Jeongyeon, Momo, Sana, Mina, Dahyun, Chaeyoung, and Tzuyu.

Once, Twice’s fan club name, even made a template to let JYP Entertainment know about the situation.
According to the netizens, there is a so-called “slave room” that makes bad and malicious comments about Twice.
Here are some of the templates by Once:

Currently, there are 28.5k tweets of #PROTECTTWICE
Here are some tweets from Once:
desperately trying to bring down twice because they’re successful. these girls are some the most loving, hardworking and humble people ever. they don’t deserve any drop of this bs!
They are one of the most humble artist in the industry. We won’t be silent about the shit antis keep on doing! Do something! @jypnation
I can’t believe this. They are literally on TWICE business 24/7? How the heck ya’ll raised? Ya’ll don’t have a life outside your fandom?
Protect twice jyp or I’m gonna burn down the company!! This is very serious
As much as I hate fanwars. I won’t be silent about this shit! Y’all better focus on your favs before it’s too late!
what are you waiting for, jype? catch them all. put them behind the bar this instant.
our girls didn’t work hard for their dreams just to get treated poorly. all the malicious comments and things haters did and are planning to do just to sabotage their reputation is disgusting.