Viral now in social media is the latest statement of Cagayan Governor Manny Mamba criticizing teachers stating “sumasahod lang pero walang gingawa” (receiving salaries but they do not do their job),
In his latest interview in DZRH, the politician sited that there are many teachers nowadays that enjoying their salaries but they do not do their obligations as well, he added instead of teaching academics they must teach agriculture subjects.
The said statement enraged many teachers and react that the politician does not know their struggles to provide proper education to the students considering the fact that amid pandemic crisis, they risk their lives to deliver modules to every students who are eager to learn as part of their sworn duties.

We do not know what the governor was really pointing out but this statement will not be release without his proper basis, except to those teachers whom are dedicated to their obligations as educators.
Meanwhile many netizens react of Gov. Mamba statement saying before saying consider thinking inside their shoes.
As a conclusion teachers as noble as they educate future leaders of the society but the problem is there are some who did not do their job well.
Politician must be sensitive and be careful for what they say because this cannot boots the morale of the teachers as well.
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