Actress Coleen Garcia shared her plan to deliver her first baby through the use of modern way using water birth for safety reason against COVID-19 threat.
The actress expressed thankfulness to her photographer friend BJ Pascual for allowing her to personalize the message shared in the video vlog.

According to the pregnant actress, she said that the pregnancy situation of the most women today has a little different compare before relating to the safety issue amid the pandemic. This is the reason Coleen has decided to undergo water delivery for her baby as advised by her fellow mothers.
Colleen also indicated in her message that they’re praying for the success of her plan of water birth of her baby at home so that they need not to go to the hospital. She also added that they don’t use their living room during the delivery because cats might blow up their tub and for the reason of safe delivery as well.
When ask where she will do the plan of water delivery at home for her baby, Coleen said she will do it on their master’s bedroom. She also shared that she was so careful during the quarantine time the reason she did not try to go out from home at all times.
On the other hand, BJ Pascual revealed that the pregnant actress will be the cover for this month for the Preview Magazine. (Scroll down to watch Photo Gallery here below)
Watch video here:
The couple Coleen and husband Billy Crawford made and earlier announcement last May 1, 2020 that they’re preparing for the coming of their first baby. Coleen is now on her 34th week pregnancy and the couple is expecting to see their baby boy soon.
Coleen’s daring photos will be available here below, just simply scan them to view more of her most attractive pregnant photos.
Coleens’ Photo Gallery: