Scientists: COVID-19 Vaccines Are 80% Sure Available In September

Miss Chis

Scientists says, two (2) promising coronavirus vaccines could be available in September after showing positive results.

Based in the studies of Oxford scientists, they are 80% confident that their vaccines would be available by September. According to them, volunteers of their vaccine project developed antibodies and white blood cells called “T-Cells” which fend off the virus if infected.

Photo from: Daily Mail

As the world is still struggling to fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, scientists are doing their best and working 24/7 to develop a vaccines that could fight the deadly disease. Among those researchers who show significant strides are Oxford University and the American pharmaceutical company, Moderna.

Recently, the Moderna researchers said that all volunteers in their COVID-19 vaccine trial all developed antibodies to the deadly virus.

The vaccine works as it simply lets the body think it had been infected with COVID-19 just like most vaccines. Through this, the body produces its own immune substances that are capable of destroying the new coronavirus.

Early research of coronavirus vaccines primarily focused on developing antibodies. However, with new data at hand, researchers had shifted their attention to a new type of immunity – “T Cells” or “killer cells”.

Oxford’s phase 3 trial for their vaccine would include around 8,000 individuals across the UK with up to 6,000 people in Brazil and South Africa. But with this, the vaccine would be easier to test since their is an abundance of infected patients.

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