WATCH: FDA Approves Fabunan Anti Viral Injection LTO (License To Operate)


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PHILIPPINES, FDA (Food and Drugs Administration) approves Fabunan Antiviral injection LTO (License To Operate) which means that the establishment is now a legitimate medical facility that can produce legally with drugs to cure the coronavirus.

The next step in the process is to comply the requirements for clinical testing and other necessary prerequisite to make the FAI available and safe to use by the public.

Last April 28, 2020 was the date of the approval and this could be a ray of hope to discover the cure for the COVID-19 pandemic.

But there is no need to rush the injection needs more testing to undergone to prove its effectiveness and ready to use in the country.

If the product testing is successful then it is the time for the drug to be registered and officially announced as the cure for the disease, if this will happen this will be a pride of the country wherein a Filipino scientist first invent the global cure against the coronavirus.

But as of now just continue to pray to end this pandemic soon and a cure will be available as soon as possible.


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