As of 4PM today, April 19, 2020, the Department of Health reports 172 new cases (PH6088-6259) of COVID-19. The total number of cases in the country is now at 6,259. DOH also announces 56 new recoveries. This brings the total number of recoveries to 572.
Worldwide tally of COVID-19, 2,347,875 people infected with (COVID-19), 604,311 have been recovered, and 161,402 death tolls of the Coronavirus.

As of now, it is advised to the public to cooperate and do not be hard-headed because you are not helping but an additional problem, please stay on your respective houses and maintain a healthy body to fight the disease.
Now the cure or antibody is not yet discovered and experts predict this will be available the next year 2021, which is alarming.
Coronavirus disease was first recorded in China where it prompted authorities to lock down Wuhan due to its outbreak. In the Philippines, local government units are now decided to enforce an enhanced community quarantine.
Everyone is advised to stay at home to curb the spread of the disease and some selected people in one family can go out to buy some foods and needs in the house.
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