Viral now in social media is the recent post of a certain netizens named Joo Bargz with a caption #Intentional Negligence allegedly a doctor daugther hide the condition of her father whom is positive of COVID-19 considered the first case of coronavirus infection in Bacolod City.

The post states “Denied travel from London? Going to public places instead of self quarantine”
In relation to the post last night Mayor Bing Leonardia confirms the first COVID-19 patient was a male 56 years of age travel history from London arrived here in the city last Feb.29 and confined in the hospital on March 6, 2020.
WHO: Addresses To Youth “You Are Not Invincible” Amid COVID-19 Pandemic
The post coincides with the details and information reveal by the local government of Bacolod.
The photo also states that the medical and staff of the certain well known hospital in Bacolod becomes emotional and enraged from the staff to nurses because the patient do not disclose his real condition considering the fact that he traveled abroad.

“Damu nagahilibion subong sa staff ka riverside cause wala sila kabalo kay effected na gali gina kadtuan nila nga tawo from janitor to ward kay wala nugid iya bata na halin sila sya gwa (abroad) kag wala man gin quarantine.“
Also the chat states the places where the patient go here are the list below and if possible true or not avoid this places it is better to prevent than it is too late.

The CHO (City Health Office) as of now is still monitoring the tract record of the patient to ensure they are quarantine and doing their best to control the situation.
Mayor Bing also ask for full cooperation of the public and also stop the political agenda and bashing because Bacolod is fighting an invisible enemy which imposes a great threat to the people.
Keep safe everyone maintain a good health and boost your immune system to the extent and if you have experiencing cough, chills and fever better consult the doctor right away this way you can help the community, your family and others.