MANILA, Presidential Security Guards implements “No Touch Policy” to Pres. Duterte due to rising cases of COVID19 (Corona virus) infection.
According to PSG Commander Colonel Jesus Durante, this is a safety measure to keep safe the President from any direct contact to public, he added people must consider and do not take any personal issue towards this policy because this is a just a safety protocol to ensure the President well being.
“We tackled of strictly implementing preventive measures against the virus to ensure the safety of PRRD and the first family” PSG Durante qouted

Upon hearing the news and posted it on social media this elicits different comments from the netizens, other approved and bashed the said policy.
As we recall DOH confirms 4 additional COVID19 infections and now under quarantine with medical treatment at RITM (Research Institute for Tropical Medicine).
Now the Philippines had 10 Coronavirus cases, as per Sec. Duque he revealed that the DOH is strictly monitor more person of interest with suspect COVID symptoms and recently declared CODE RED which means this is a serious situation wherein any available can be deployed to aid the said spreading of the disease.
PALACE also approved the State of Emergency on Public Health and allocates funds for the preparedness and acquires more medical facilities to fast screening and monitoring of possible patients of COVID.
For now the DOH implements and campaigns of proper hand washing to avoid this disease, do not go to public places and wear face mask for protection always.