LEYTE, Baybay city will be under general community quarantine due to the threat of COVID-19 this Thursday March 19, 2020.

The said procedure is the action of the local government to fight and control the disease that is now on rampage in the whole cities of Metro Manila with almost 200 infected.
According to Mayor Jose Carlos Cari the city will implement a border control, curfew and 4 days work per week in Baybay.
The classes in private and public schools are also cancelled.
All establishments are closed excluding drugs stores starting 9pm up to 5am in the morning.
Resorts, net shops, restuarant and other establishments that caters crowd of people are temporarily close and will be open possibly after the quarantine period as per mandated by the local government of Baybay.
Public gatherings are also strictly prohibited and the Mayor compels each barangay captain down to kagawad to act now by doing precautionary measures in the time of national crisis.
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