For adult video of Sachzna Laparan is the most search video in the internet since uploaded in social media.
Sachzna Laparan claimed herself as the Facebook star, dance talent and of course no doubt she is a good looking girl that idolized by the netizens.
After video of her uploaded on social media where she is doing crazy with her own private property but most masculine type is looking for, the same video marks the most search by the netizens specially those avid followers of Larapan.

Some of the netizens also expressed negative comments thinking why she uploaded her video to the video-sharing flat form where netizens can watch and share her video knowing that video like hers should be keep as private to preserve the good name and reputation.
However, rampant today in this generation where for-know videos becomes a medium or instrument to make money easy.
As the netizens search for her video, we have put it here for a while.
Here is Sachzna Laparan full version of For-Know video:
Other source containing obscene is removed due to the restriction and other moral issues.