JUST IN OFW ALERT: UAE Confirms First Case Of Coronavirus Infection “Ncov” In Middle East


Wednesday United Arab Emirates confirms its first case of corona virus infection in the country.

According to UEA health ministry the victims are now in quarantine and being treated to avoid human to human contact.

The said virus is airborne can be transmitted to air when the infected person is coughing and sneezing there is a big possibility that you will be infected.

This also confirms that the victims are Chinese from Wuhan which the virus originated and almost kills hundreds and infect 4,600 around the world source World Health Organization.

Philippine Consulate released an advisory to all Filipino in Middle East to be aware and keep safe and if there is a symptoms of flu do not hesitate to go to a physician to be easily treated.

As of now the governments of the Middle East nations are joining hands to control the widespread of the disease on their own premises to avoid more collateral damage.

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