#WalangPasok: December 16 until January 3, 2020 because of DepEd Christmas break as per the DepEd Order No. 007 Series of 2019. Stated that the DepEd Christmas break this 2019 is to start on December 15 up until January 6th of next year (2020).
If you would look at the regular calendar you would see that December 15 falls on a Sunday. Hence, making the last day of classes December 13th, 2019 – which is a Friday. The DepEd Christmas break this 2019 would fall and start on December 13, 2019.
DepEd noted that all DepEd-covered schools are the ones to follow this rule. Private schools have their own schedule; it is going to be their discretion whether or not they’ll be following the DepEd’s school calendar. So long as they are in for the minimum number of class days, it’s going to be up to the management of the schools.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all students and enjoy your vacations. Stay in your home and have a trip or enjoy bonding with your love ones.
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