PCSO releases free live streaming and announces official results on 2 pm for 9 pm Lotto Draw on December 24, 2019.
Watch the livestream video below:
No Lotto draw tomorrow and it will live next day (Thursday, December 26, 2019)
PCSO lotto draw airs everyday at around 11 AM, 4PM and 9PM on PTV YouTube account.
Official Results HERE:

Here are the games of PCSO Lotto which you can win million of prizes.
Such as 6/58 Ultra Lotto, 6/55 Grand Lotto, 6/49 Super Lotto, 6/45 Mega Lotto, 6/42 Lotto, 6-Digit, 4-Digit, Swertres, EZ2 lotto, STL Pares, STL SWER3, and STL 2-Digits play.
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