One of the uncomfortable experiences in whole life is casting a vote during Election Day. It becomes tougher when you cannot find your precinct that you need to glance every precinct in the area to see your name in the list.
This page will help you provide your precinct in all voting places within Bacolod City. With this online access, you can easily get your precinct number and on what number are you in the list of voters.
How to access online?
Using your Messenger, LIKE the Facebook page of DYHB Tatak RMN. After liking the page, you can click the button “Get Started” then an electronic reply appears to your screen. Then click “Precinct Finder” upon clicking on it, a notification will appear on your screen asking your FIRST NAME, by replying it with your first name it will require again with your FAMILY NAME. By supplying all these two information required, you will get on your screen the reply to give you your Precinct number and on what number are you in the list in your Precinct. (see screen shot below.)

You can also access DYHB Tatak RMN Facebook page on this link.

We the team recommends to vote wisely during election day.