The world of social media is getting in away following after a Filipina woman who became viral sensation and media subject after her photos where she appeared wearing skimpy outfit while lining up waiting her turn to use the ATM machine in Somerset MRT Station in Singapore.
The Filipina woman claimed she is a freelance model identified as Ashley Garcia. She was caught by a camera of unnamed person wearing scandalous outfit of an oversized tank top that is usually worn only during the bedtime.

Looking at the photos attached to this post, you can see her inner skin through the armhole of her sleeveless dress that appeared to be without bra. The netizens were quick to criticize Ashley because of her indecent exposure. But according to her explanation on her Facebook post, she said she was wearing very short shorts underneath and nipple cover.
Ashley explained that she did not intend to offend anyone or nay culture of her actions as she was not on her country. She did not think that somebody took her a photo and shared on social media causing mixed reaction from the netizens.