“Impyerno sa Lupa” Preach by Rev. Fr. Joseph Fidel Roura Went Viral


“Impyerno sa Lupa” is an online preaching of a Catholic priest identified as Rev. Fr. Joseph Fidel Roura that went viral on social media. The source of this video was originally uploaded on his Facebook account.

Forcefully, he proclaimed about giving importance of life-living free from negativity and sins. And he also clarifies that that one cannot live a life with its full happiness while you’re in sin.

This video went viral in social media having views of 9,500 plus, shares of 633, 60 comments and 1,100 plus reactions from the netizens who have watched his video.

Most of the viewers found his sermon helpful and enlightening.

But on the other hand, when I shared this video to my friend, because I personally appreciated the lessons I learned from Fr. Joseph on his preaching with this tag line “Impyerno sa Lupa,” he told me that if I appreciated him and learned lessons from his preaching, you will learned more if you try to listen the preaching from the non-Catholic preachers.

I asked him why? He said, what he preaches is just equivalent to a testimony of our common member in the church because you will get higher learning from our matured ministers and pastors preaching moral and spiritual lessons making the listeners grow mature in service to God.

He added saying, “Look, did you not notice if you compare Catholic believers and non-Catholic believers the way their lives are manifested? He continued saying, as you can see, the non-Catholic Christians believers are more spiritual compare than the Catholic believers in the way they talk about the word of God, the way they live Christian life and many other way you can notice that non-Catholic believers were spiritually matured than the other.”

I agree with what he said because I cannot deny the fact that what he said is true in so many way I can see it in reality when it comes to spiritual life concern.

Watch video here:


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