Having a baby is the most blessed moment after getting married. Nursing them is the most challenging and yet enjoyable, much more when they started to response with their sweet smile and the first word your hear from them is the sweetest whisper in the morning until you see them gradually crawl and start to have their first step is one of the most memorable moment with your baby.

We understand that babies are delicate and need extra care for the mom to protect them from their delicate bones as it develops from time-to-time. Normally, it takes a couple of months before babies start to crawl and learn to have their first step, mom should ensure to have her arms extended in support for the baby from their fragility. But you amaze from this baby, he is unbelievable, that at his first couple of minutes from his born you can see this baby swinging her two legs to attempt walking in a couple of steps.
As nurse is cleaning this new born baby from after birth, she was shocked as this new born baby moves his legs as he uses to walk. He continues walking while nurse extend her arms to support her body so that he will not topple down.
Watch this walking baby just after his birth, really amazing!