Video: Fascinating Woman Is Pregnant With A Sports Car?


One of the greatest dream of a woman is to be a mother. But how do you feel if all you can see in an ultrasound is a sports car inside your tummy even if you are 6 months pregnant. How can you handle situations like this?


The couple named Mikke and Reena Robert from Missouri, USA, they went to visit a local clinic for an ultrasound. Mikke and Reena was shocked when they found out that the ultrasound result is an image looked like to a sport car.

You can see the Ultra sound Photo below, what do you think? It is real or just a Hoax.

After this, they find out that the image captured was their baby’s thigh bone which was measured at that instant. However the couple was very happy for their baby as they seen it on screen. They love to see their child despite of what it is may come out in the future. Both parents were hoping for a healthy baby.

The sonography technician was confused what he saw in the ultrasound result. Watch the full video below;

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