Duterte: It was Not My Intention To Insult Pope Francis


The running as a president of the Philippines and The Mayor of Davao Mr. Rodrigo Duterte Clarifies about the issue of disrespecting pope Francis he said that it was never his intention to insult or disrespect Pope Francis

Duterte: It was Not My Intention To Insult Pope Francis

He clarified his statement that seems that he is cursing the Catholic Leader by the traffic he caused when he visit the Philippines last January.

He expressed his deeply regret and sorrow about his speech about the Pope in connection with the traffic came across in Metro Manila when he arrived seems disrespectful speech to the Pope

In his statement “It was farthest from his mind and was never his intention,”

Mayor Rodrigo Duterte Admits that he should explain his point clearly regarding the Government’s incompetence in handling traffic problems.

He also stated: “It was never intended to be directed to the person of His Holiness Pope Francis, who has his utmost respect. It was out of exasperation at the inutility of the functionaries in government not only during that historic visit of Pope Francis but at the daily sufferings of all citizens in Metro Manila up to this moment.


And he clearly understands reactions of some people who is displeased and disappoints by his speech.

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