KimXi Love team has already undergo the long courting stage. In most interviews between Kim Chui and Xian Lim they always answered that “SOON”. But when will this soon will happen? Are they already together or not? What was the real score between them?. Until now there is no clear answer what was their relationship going.
According to Kim Chui, she and Xian is happy together. They are very thankful of the gifts and blessings they are receiving right now. She is also asked if their relationship is until love team only?, but here is what she answered “well see,but were happy,were very comfortable with each other and he brings out the best in me”
When she was asked if it’s true that Xian Lim is really courting her, she just smiled widely and said “we don’t need to label our relationship. Were just happy of what we have. And were understanding each other. So it’s okay”.