‘The Try Guys, Try Pregnancy Bellies’ Amazing Tribute For Mother’s Day


When talk about motherhood nowadays can put up such glorious marks on our minds. Some think it’s easy to be a woman, to be a lady or to be a girl. Boys don’t feel the pain all girl feeling while wearing a high heels, they don’t feel the pain every time the baby kicks in the womb and begins to destroy body curves and can make big marks. They can’t feel pain of the 2 hour labor! But WAIT! Surely, these guys might tell you how is it done and how it feels to be mother!

Pregnancy Guys

These guys namely “The Try Guys” made a tribute to all mothers by uploading a video that is for Mother’s Day Special.

These guys let their day went off wearing a suit like a mother carrying a baby inside her womb weighing 25-30 lbs. Their day was to be a pregnant mother!

“I’m out of breath from wearing it and talking. I think the hardest part is loving the thing that’s ruining your life, fully and unconditionally.” the guys said.

That’s not it everyone!! They also tried the pain every mother feels! They felt the pain of 2 hour labor and the pain of giving birth. There were wires that were connected to their body. The doctors let them decide where to put the electrifying device and some decided to put it in their abdomen, in their backs. But one guy absolutely did what mother really feels. He put the device on his upper thighs to experience what it really feels like.

They were being electrified and yes! they shouted and screamed as if they were put to death! They did not stop screaming until everything is over.

Well, See??? One thing that shows femininity is our glorious purpose to bring everlasting blessing. Our Mother shows femininity and yes, Femininity reflects on women’s inner beauty.

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