Shocking News: Doctor’s Was Surprised After Operating The Throat Of A School Boy


Shocking news occurred in China wherein a certain patient goes to the doctors and complained a feeling of dizziness. The school boys name was Xiabo Chien, after the boy suffers some impairment on his health his mother took him to the nearest hospital to see a medical physician.

After a series of test the boy was undergone an operation and the doctors was surprise what they witness, they found a seven centimeter leech growing on the boy’s throat feeding and continuing to expand.


According to the boy, he drinks water from a bucket and few days past he suffers flu and nausea, his mother told the doctor that after the boy drinks water from the contaminated container, he does not even consulted his parents if it is safe or not.

That is maybe the probable cause where the leech comes from. But fortunately the doctors successfully remove the parasite.

What happened to Xiabo leaves a trauma to him and noted “I won’t be drinking water from a bucket again!”

Meanwhile this child suffering will be serve as early warning to watch our kids all the time, we do not know that their curiosity sometimes lead to danger themselves that could cost their life.



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